We want The Index to be a great, free resource for everyone. To keep the site sustainable and to cover a portion of our costs and time, we charge a fee of $25 per submission. Please note that a submission does not guarantee a feature.
We aim to publish a handful submissions per week, both on the website and featured in the weekly newsletter. We also post and promote on our social channels.
We are strong believers in quality over quantity, hence our slow growth approach.
What to include in your submission
1 desktop splash. It can be either an image or a video, in a 3:2 ratio.The max size is 3000 x 2000px, and the minimum size is 1440 x 960px.
1 mobile splash. It can be either an image or a video, in 1080 x 1920 px.
We publish 3 projects per studio, and for each project we need either an image or a video. Images should be 3000 x 2000 px and videos should be 1920 x 1080 px. 1080p HD, compressed for web and under 20 mb.
Pick 1-2 categories for your studio: graphic design, type design, packaging, creative direction, art direction, 3D imagery, motion, image makers
You can submit a jpg, png, and (compressed for web) mp4-files. Keep videos between 10-30 seconds long and under 20 mb.
Include a download link (zip file) for all the files.